Getting rid of stubborn fat is one thing, keeping it away from your body is another thing. Thanks to liposuction treatments, you can get steps closer to your desired body shape more quickly than what you would imagine. But the fact that you can absorb back those unwanted molecules, IF you don’t take care of your body after liposuction. Here you can find 8 tried and true tips for maintaining results after liposuction.
The liposuction recovery phase can take weeks to months. Bruising, swelling and pain are frequently observed with patients who have undergone the treatment. Nevertheless, walking has proven to be one of the most effective ways that will prevent post-surgery complications such as blood clots.
In addition to accelerating recovery, walking will also help maintain your desirable body shape right after the surgery, when exercising is out of question for you because of the pain and tenderness of your wounds. Just please make sure not to start moving around too soon, as you need to allow at least 2 days before you put any demands on your body. This also excludes running and jogging for you until you will be able to actually exercise.
While liposuction is a game changer, what you truly need is not just a quick fix. That is to say, there is no way around regular exercising! Of course, consulting your plastic surgeon is the number 1 step for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But generally speaking, patients start exercising three weeks after the surgery. You need to regain your strength gradually, so you need to avoid strenuous types of exercises. Patients are usually prescribed to do the following:
- Aerobic exercises which will only engage your body muscles and get your body going.
- Resistance exercises which will slowly increase the amount of effort you put into your exercise. Initially, you may avoid exercising the surgical area. Later on, when you recover from the surgery, you can begin training the muscles in those areas.
Post-liposuction body shape maintenance cannot happen if you don’t keep an eye on those calories. The kind of food you consume and the way you prepare it make a lot of difference in maintaining liposuction results. Here are some tips:
- Make sure to cut down on fatty food and fast food and increase your intake of fibers, proteins and healthy carbs.
- Keep a balanced diet. Do not eliminate any food groups from your diet. Replace white carbs such as pasta and bread with whole grains like barely, peas and beans.
- Use more fibers that will release slowly into your blood and restrain your desire to eat unhealthy snacks.
- Eat more lean proteins such as chicken and fish, together with green vegetables.
- Cut down on salt and sugar as additives to your food. While sugar adds an extra amount of carbohydrates to your blood sugar, salt absorbs salt. Using salt can positively affect bloating in your post-liposuction body and slow down the speed of your healing.
- Use cooking methods that don’t damage the vitamins and nutrients of food and don’t add to its calories. Try to use boiling, steaming, broiling, grilling, baking, and avoid frying.
Don’t Skip Meals
There is a common misconception that if you skip at least one of your meals you will get better results. It goes without saying that this is all wrong. The thing is that your body relies on your blood sugar, it is required for a healthy metabolism and serves as the main nutrient for the brain. Whenever you skip any of your meals, the level of sugar in your body drops and your metabolism slows down. This is because your brain assumes that your body is in famine and may need to sustain hunger for a period of time. As such, it starts saving your blood sugar around the vital organs of your body, that is your abdomen and midsection. As liposuction surgeries usually address this area, this pretty much illustrates how skipping meals will not help.
Stay Hydrated
Everyone needs to know about the benefits of drinking water regularly and staying hydrated. Just keep in mind that:
- Drinking water reduces the desire for eating. Even though you should forget about skipping meals, you need to avoid eating something whenever you feel hungry. Drinking water is an excellent way to dodge eating and filling up your stomach.
- Drinking water helps the body to flush toxins and avoid storage of toxins and fats in the body.
- Water reduces the individual’s BMI (body mass index), body fat, and waist size. So, drinking water after undergoing a liposuction treatment can help maintain your body shape.
- Drinking water before meals reduces the individual’s appetite by making them feel fuller.
Resting well after the surgery is important as stressing out is an all-time contributor to gaining weight. Stress increases the amount of cortisol in the body, making the person crave food, especially unhealthy food. Unhealthy and fat food increase the level of insulin in the body, which in turn reduces the amount of calories being burnt in the body. As a result, more and more fat tissues are stored in the body.
You can relax when you:
- Meditate
- Maintain a healthy diet
- Exercise
- Rest well
- Explore spirituality
- Take hot baths
- Stay positive and thankful
Wear Compression Garments
Immediately after the surgery, it is important to wear compression garments which can control the amount of swelling in the body. Wearing this garment for a few weeks after the surgery can help your body heal faster and face less challenges than otherwise.
General Care
Last but not least, like any other medical treatment, liposuction requires special care after surgery. After liposuction, you should:
- Take medication prescribed by your doctor, such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers.
- Not lie down on your side.
- Be active and not stay sedentary.
- Take massage therapy,
- Not use bathtubs until the healing of your wounds.
- See your doctor regularly.
- Avoid sitting for too long.
- Avoid smoking.
- Not lift heavy objects.
- Take care of your wounds.
Liposuction may sound like an easy procedure, but in reality, it is not. Please consult your doctor before taking the surgery and make sure to follow all instructions for a speedy recovery.
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